Attracting God's grace


According to the penny Catholic Catechism book, "Grace is a supernatural gift of God, freely bestowed on us for our sanctification and salvation.”   This grace can be in two dimensions viz the sanctifying or habitual grace which is  given at Baptism and Actual grace which we receive to aid us in our daily human activities.  Having established the above facts, we are now going to discuss actual grace. This grace builds on nature.

 Examples of this truth abound in the scriptures . Now, "what do you have?" and she presented a jar of oil that that he multiplied (2 kings 4:1-7).

Elijah could only declare the blessings of multiplication over the little flour and oil that the widow at zarephath presented, otherwise there will be nothing to bless.(1kings 17:7-16)

Could it be the master has been asking you  the same question for years because He wants something tangible He can multiply like He did to the  loafs of bread and fish? But the problem is you've got nothing to present to Him. 

The question still remains "what do you have?"  Could it be you are "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly  (POOR) because of "False Evidence Appearing Real"(FEAR)?

 We've all got some levels of fear but the ability to suppress it is the hallmark of high-flyers. Align today and be rest assured of God's blessings.

It's time to take that course, start that business, learn that skill and that legitimate action that can position you for the blessings of God.

 Remember, by His grace, He multiplies our resources and magnifies the result of our actions.

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